Mowing Strip

This weekend was a productive one, which is good. The busier I can be with my hands, the better I am in my head.

This weekend’s project was to install a mowing strip. Here’s the description of a mowing strip because somehow, when I try to explain, it comes out like “there’s a strip and you mow over it and there’s grass and it’s nice” which really doesn’t explain it.

“A mowing strip refers to a hard surface such as brick or concrete installed at level with the lawn at the edge between the lawn and a flower bed. The tires of the lawn mower can ride on the mowing strip, allowing you to mow close to the edge of the bed and hopefully reduce the amount of trimming or weeding required to maintain a neat appearance.”

In my case, it’s to differentiate the grass from the green in my raised beds (which I hope to someday have).

Click on the photos to scroll through and read captions (they’re so exciting!)

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